Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Empire of Light and A Man Called Otto
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Movies about movies have an inherent appeal, and so the audience is predisposed to like "Empire of Light." In this podcast episode, HCC film professors Marie Westhaver and Mike Giuliano discuss this sentimental drama set in an English movie theater in the early 1980s. The main character, expertly played by Olivia Colman, is a theater manager with a history of mental illness. Writer-director Sam Mendes thematically deals with that mental health issue, as well as other issues including racism and sexism. Although Mike thinks that the thematic treatment of those issues tends to be heavy-handed, he and Marie agree that the film's production design and cinematography make it a movie worth watching. Marie and Mike also talk about "A Man Called Otto," which Mike likes and Marie loves. It's about a suicidal widower, played very convincingly by Tom Hanks, whose neighbors persist in their attempts to make him appreciate life. This movie has genuine crowd-pleasing appeal.
#movies #film #HCC #filmreview #moviereview #amancalledotto #empireoflight