Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Devotion and The Inspection
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Jessie L. Brown, who became the US Navy's first Black aviator in 1948, is the subject of "Devotion." This biographical film has a worthy subject and Jonathan Majors gives a persuasive performance as Brown, but HCC film professors Marie Westhaver and Mike Giuliano observe in this podcast episode that the film itself tends to have an awkwardly slow pace until it gets to scenes of aerial combat during the Korean War. Marie and Mike also discuss another true-life military story in "The Inspection," in which Jeremy Pope plays a young gay Black man who joins the Marine Corps in 2005. The film details the homophobic brutality to which he is subjected. Marie and Mike agree that it is a frustrating film, because so much screen time is given over to boot camp routine that the main character's background is given in a sketchy way.
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