Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Avatar: The Way of Water and Babylon
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Prepare to spend a lot of time underwater while watching "Avatar: The Way of Water." In this podcast episode, HCC film professors Marie Westhaver and Mike Giuliano immerse themselves in James Cameron's long-awaited sequel. They agree that this 192-minute movie is much too long, but the 3-D is terrific and there are more than enough interesting plot strands to supply additional sequels. Marie and Mike also spent much of their lives watching the 188-minute "Babylon," in which director Damien Chazelle ("La La Land") and actors including Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie indulge in the excesses of Hollywood movie stars in the 1920s. Marie likes this movie and Mike hates it, and so they have a really good time explaining why.
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